February 21, 2025
The Northwest Louisiana Council of Governments' Metropolitan Planning Organization Transportation Policy Committee and Board of Directors will be meeting Friday February 21, 2025 at 9:00 am at Government Plaza in the Government Chambers, 505 Travis St, Shreveport, LA 71101.
The MPO meeting will begin at 9:00 am followed by the Board of Directors meeting.
January 17-31, 2025
The Northwest Louisiana Council of Governments is accepting public comments on the draft of the Northwest Louisiana Safe Streets For All Regional Safety Action Plan until January 31, 2025.
For further information, contact NLCOG at 318-841-5950. Any questions, comments or suggestions concerning the drafts should be directed to:
625 Texas Street, Suite 200
Shreveport, Louisiana 71101
or sent by e-mail.
December 6- 20, 2024
The Northwest Louisiana Council of Governments is accepting public comments on the draft of the Regional Active Transportation Plan (RATP) until December 20, 2024.
The Northwest Louisiana Council of Governments is accepting public comments on the draft of the Coordinated Human Services Transportation Plan (CHSTP) until December 20, 2024.
For further information, contact NLCOG at 318-841-5950. Any questions, comments or suggestions concerning the drafts should be directed to:
625 Texas Street, Suite 200
Shreveport, Louisiana 71101
or sent by e-mail.
Due to lack of water pressure within the building, the offices of NLCOG will be closed Monday, November 4, 2024.
NLCOG will also close Tuesday November 5, 2024, in observance of the state holiday for elections.
The Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development advises motorists that on the night of Thursday, October 10, 2024, the westbound lane of the LA 511 (Jimmie Davis Bridge) over the Red River in Bossier & Caddo Parishes will be closed.
This lane closure is scheduled to take place from approximately 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. for one night, and is necessary to allow the contractor for the Jimmie Davis Bridge project to mobilize equipment in order to pour concrete for the test shaft for the new bridge.
The bridge will remain open to traffic, with vehicles allowed through via the use of flagging operations.
NLCOG in partnership with the governments of Caddo, Bossier, DeSoto, and Webster Parishes is developing a regional safety action plan as a part of the Safe Streets and Roads for All Program (SS4A). The recommendations of the NLCOG Safe Streets & Roads for All Regional Action Plan will allow the associated parishes to pursue SS4A implementation funds and other applicable funding sources to implement the infrastructural countermeasures and related programmatic recommendations.
June 28, 2024
The June 28, 2024 meeting of NLCOG's Transportation Policy Committee included an update on the current status of the I-49 ICC project.
Fiscal Year 2025 Unified Planning Work Program
June 7 - June 21, 2024
The Northwest Louisiana Council of Governments (NLCOG), the local Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), is submitting for a 14-day public review and comment the: Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) for the Northwest Louisiana Metropolitan Planning Area Fiscal Year 2025 (July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025).
For further information, contact NLCOG at 318-841-5950. Any questions, comments or suggestions concerning the UPWP should be directed to:
Attn: J. Kent Rogers - UPWP
625 Texas Street, Suite 200
Shreveport, Louisiana 71101
or sent by e-mail.
We Want to Hear From You!
The Northwest Louisiana Council of Governments (NLCOG) is undertaking an active transportation plan to make it safer and more comfortable to walk and bike in the region.
NLCOG is hosting a series of pop-up events to seek public input on needs and priorities.
February 5 - March 22, 2024
The Northwest Louisiana Council of Governments (NLCOG) seeks to develop a Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Regional Action Plan for the metropolitan transportation planning area consisting of Bossier, Caddo, DeSoto, and Webster parishes in Northwest Louisiana meeting the requirements of the U.S. Department of Transportation Safe Streets for All program.
All proposals must be received by 9:00 a.m. C.S.T. on Friday, March 22, 2024.
Please direct any questions to J. Kent Rogers, via email at kent.rogers@nlcog.org or Chris Petro, AICP via email at chris.petro@nlcog.org
February 7, 2024
The Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (DOTD) Road Show has been scheduled for our area on Thursday February 7, 2024 at 8:30 am. at the LA Tech at Bossier Parish Community College Building H - Moran Room 6220 E Texas St, Bossier City.
The following parishes are within the LaDOTD District 04 area: Bienville, Bossier, Caddo, Claiborne, Desoto, Red River, Webster
December 21, 2023
The Council on Watershed Management approved 40 flood risk reduction projects for conditional funding awards today as part of the Louisiana Watershed Initiative’s Round 2 funding opportunity for projects that benefit at-risk, disadvantaged communities throughout the state.
Projects approved for conditional awards, and for more information on Round 2
December 8, 2023
On Friday, December 8, 2023, President Biden announced $8.2 Billion in new grants for high-speed rail and pipeline projects nation-wide, including up to $500,000 for the I-20 Corridor Intercity Passenger Rail Service.
November 28, 2023, 1:00 - 2:30 PM
On behalf of Louisiana DOTD, LTAP is hosting the Safe Routes to Public Places Program (SRTPPP) Call for Projects Informational Webinar in preparation for the project application period that runs from November 2023 to January 2024. The SRTPPP is a data-driven safety improvement program aimed at reducing fatalities and serious injuries of pedestrians and bicyclists on public roads in Louisiana. This informational session will provide an overview of the program, the application and selection process, and discuss 2023’s call for projects.
October 17, 2023
The I-49 Connector project is in the enviromental assessment phase, and the public is invited to attend this community input meeting.
Open HouseSeptember 14, 2023
The Federal Highway administration (FHWA) has determined that Alternative B2 (the Selected Alternative) will not have any significant impact on the human environment.
September 18, 2023-2025
Work is scheduled to begin on Monday, September 18, 2023, with lane closures being put into place in both the eastbound and westbound directions on I-20 from near Hamilton Road to Industrial Drive (LA 782-2) in Bossier City.
All through traffic on I-20 is asked to utilize I-220 as an alternate route to avoid delays in the construction zone.
The entire project is anticipated to be complete in late 2025.
Phase 1
Right lane closed in both directions to allow for construction of temporary diversion pavement on outside shoulder in order to handle traffic load.
Approximately 2 months
Northwest Louisiana Regional Active Transportation Plan
The Northwest Louisiana Council of Governments (NLCOG) requests qualified consultants to develop a Regional Active Transportation Plan for the Northwest Louisiana Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO). This plan will become the staged improvement plan for non-motorized projects to be included as an amendment to the current Metropolitan Transportation Plan.
The proposal must be received by 3:00pm C.S.T. on 09/06/2023.
Request for Qualifications (RFQ)I-20 eastbound right lane at LA 157 (Exit 33), Bossier Parish
The Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development advises motorists that beginning on Friday, July 14, 2023 at approximately 6:00 a.m., the eastbound right lane of I-20 in advance of Exit 33 (LA 157) in Haughton/Fillmore, Bossier Parish will be closed.
This traffic configuration will last continuously until Monday, July 17, 2023 at 5:00 a.m., and is necessary to allow construction work to proceed as part of a project to extend the length of the exit ramp in order to improve safety and operation of the ramp.
Exit 33 will remain open during this work.
LA 511 (Jimmie Davis Bridge) over Red River, Caddo & Bossier Parishes
The Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development advises motorists that beginning on Monday, June 19, 2023, the LA 511 (Jimmie Davis Hwy/70th Street) bridge over the Red River in Caddo and Bossier Parishes will closed nightly.
These bridge closures are scheduled to take place from Monday, June 19th through Friday, June 23rd, from 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. each night, and are necessary to allow for preliminary design work related to the Jimmie Davis Bridge replacement project.
The Northwest Louisiana Council of Governments (NLCOG) and the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) has received a number of public comments concerning the current posture of the I-49 ICC Environmental Process, and in particular the current investigation into the viability of Build Alternative 3A. NLCOG appreciates the community's continued involvement in the process, and can appreciate that frustration may result from the monumental undertaking of an Environmental Impact Statement created for projects in urban areas. We have been diligently working through the federally required NEPA process for the I-49 Inner City Connector to develop alternatives that meet the project's purpose and need, while being mindful of the area's natural and built environment.
the latest information and updates on the regional Mega Projects: I-69, I-49, and the Jimmie Davis Bridge (LA 511).On February 1, 2023, NLCOG was awarded 1 Million dollars with $800,000 in Federal Funds Action Plan Grant.
View SS4A 2022 Awards
February 8, 2023
The January 20, 2023 meeting of NLCOG's Transportation Policy Committee included an update on the current status of the I-49 ICC project. The slides provide an update to the I-49 ICC EIS project and present a path forward pertaining to a new study corridor (i.e., 3A) that circumvents the Allendale neighborhood to the east and is closer to downtown.
View Slides