Transportation Planning

Maintaining and improving the region's roadways requires coordination among multiple entities, including local governments, LaDOTD, FHWA, FTA, and public transit agencies. NLCOG works with each of these to maintain communication across jurisdictional boundaries and to ensure that the goals and standards of the Metropolitan Planning Area, as well as each agency, are met.

Given the large proportion of travel that takes place on roads and highways, it is inevitable that there will be competing priorities among the traveling public and the various stakeholders. As the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), it is NLCOG's responsibility to identify the widespread transportation needs and balance them to the extent possible.

NLCOG's function as an MPO is to work with local governments, the state department of transportation, and local transit providers to determine transportation needs and funding priorities for federal transportation investments. NLCOG also provides general planning, mapping, and technical assistance to local governments.

Regional Mega Projects Regional Active Transportation Plan Safe Streets and Roads for All Regional Safety Action Plan

Key Activities

NLCOG engages in several activities and programs to address the region's diverse travel priorities through planning, including:

Performance Based Planning and Programming which uses standardized performance measures to encourage data-driven decision making;
Public Transportation planning that ensures roads and highways accommodate efficient public transit systems;
A Congestion Management Process that monitors congestion and identifies strategies for its reduction; and
The Coordinated Human Services Transportation Program that seeks to improve transportation services for persons with lower incomes, older adults, and individuals with disabilities; and
A Safety Coalition formed to implement and sustain Louisiana's Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP).

MPO Transportation Policy Committee

The governing body of the Shreveport/Bossier City MPO.

More Info

Technical Coordinating Committee

Provides planning and engineering guidance to the MPO's Policy Committee.

TCC Membership

Transportation Plan Library

More on Key Plans and Programs

Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP)

The MTP reflects the goals and objectives, the resources, the fundamental planning process, and the project implementation schedule for the region over the next 30 years. In metropolitan areas, the transportation plan is the statement of the ways the region plans to invest in the transportation system. Per federal regulations, the plan shall "include both long range and short-range program strategies and actions that lead to the development of an integrated, intermodal transportation system that facilitates the efficient movement of people and goods."

MTP Amendments and Modifications
Amendment:03152024-01 / 2024 MPO Safety Performance Targets
Amendment:05122023-01 / PM-2 and PM-3 2-Year MPO Performance Targets
Modification:02172023-01 / 2023 MPO Safety Performance Targets
Modification:03042022-01 / 2022 MPO Safety Performance Targets
Modification:03092021-01 / 2021 MPO Safety Performance Targets
Modification:02212020-01 / 2020 MPO Safety Performance Targets

Amendment to the MTP 2045: ADOPTED Carbon Reduction Program (CRP) - Project Selection Process (PSP)

CRP-PSP Plan Document (Adopted 02.02.2024)

View/Download: NLCOG Trans. Policy Committee 12.08.23 Presentation to Introduce DRAFT CRP-PSP Plan Document

ALL MTP 2045 Improvement Projects (By Program Year) / (ArcGIS Online Map Application)


Current NLCOG Infrastructure Condition (PM2 - Pavement and Bridge) Ratings / (ArcGIS Online Map Application)

Current PM2 Map

NLCOG Annual Average Daily Traffic (2017 and 2022 AADT) / (ArcGIS Online Map Application)

AADT Data: Count Locations Map Application

Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) (FFY 2023 - FFY 2026)

Every four years, NLCOG (MPO) is required to perform a comprehensive update of the TIP document. In consultation with the MPO's Technical Committee (TCC), LADOTD, and ultimately the MPO's Transportation Policy Committee (TPC), with input from the public, the TIP is amended or modified to account for funding availability and changing funding sources or project scopes as needed.

Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP)

Describing the federally funded planning activities that NLCOG will conduct and products that will be created in the current fiscal year, the UPWP covers the Metropolitan Planning Area (MPA) of Bossier, Caddo, DeSoto, and Webster parishes.

Annual List of Obligated Projects (ALOP)

Federal mandates require NLCOG to publish an annual report of all federally funded obligated projects, known as the ALOP. The annual list provides a record of project delivery for the previous federal fiscal year to increase recognition of government expenditures on transportation projects to the public. Obligations of federal funds means that a project has received federal commitment for reimbursement and does not necessarily mean that the project was initiated or completed in that year or indicate the total cost of that project.

Congestion Management Process (CMP)

The Congestion Management Process (CMP) is a management system and process conducted by MPOs to improve traffic operations and safety utilizing strategies that reduce travel demand or the implementation of operational improvements. The public benefits from having a functional CMP in place because it can improve travel conditions through the development of low-cost improvements or strategies.

Coordinated Human Services Transportation Program (CHSTP)

The mission of the CHSTP is to work collaboratively to improve transportation services for persons with lower incomes, older adults, and individuals with disabilities by identifying needs, understanding resources, maximizing mobility, and minimizing costs for the entire community. The CHSTP plan serves as a unified, comprehensive strategy for public transportation service delivery that identifies the transportation needs of individuals with disabilities, older adults, and individuals with limited incomes. It lays out strategies for meeting those needs and prioritizes ways to meet them.

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)

ITS encompass a broad range of wireless and wire line communications-based information and electronics technologies. ITS benefits the public with real-time, multimodal information that will lead to more efficient and eco-friendly choices regarding travel routes and modal choices. For instance, informed travelers may decide to avoid congestion by taking alternate modes such as walking, biking, or public transit; by rescheduling their trip; or by taking alternate routes. Transportation agencies benefit by being able to see and respond dynamically to conditions on the transportation network as they evolve and expand across all the modes.

Northwest Louisiana Transportation Safety Coalition (NWLTSC)

Allowing for local flexibility, LaDOTD developed an innovative approach to implement the State Highway Strategic Safety Plan (SHSP) with the creation of nine regional safety coalitions all working toward the common vision of Destination Zero Deaths.